When doing your social media, make sure you know or your online marketer knows what he or she is doing. This is a crucial time in the Social Media marketing game right now. Everyone is still learning and gathering evidence and statistics as we go in this new marketing frenzy.
More than likely if you are a busy school owner, you may assign the bulk of the social marketing to someone else in the school, or you may have hired someone or even another company! You must remember, this person is representing you as a person and your business. They will be in charge of your online voice and personality. Effictively managing a social media marketing strategy takes many hours of work and dedication and organization. Social media allows you to directly interact with your consumers. You want to make sure your conversations are going smoothly and portray you as you would like.
While your teenage computer guru in your martial arts class may seem like the prime candidate to do your social networking for you after school for a few hours a day, it is not that good of an idea.
Unless you know for sure the student can handle the latest news form the business aspects of what is happening on the internet, or what is the best way to make your posts attract attemtion if you decide to do a Facebook ad, then let the kid do it.
A social media marketing professional will know what is cool and what is crap with marketing online, especially with the new Google Panda algorithm formula that is used now to compute the ranking of the Google's search engine page results.
The new cool things to do is to have:
1. Multiple account management tools
2. More than one account may be managed and linked together
3. Or, assign different administrators to one account, i.e. at work, so many people may post on the same account
4. Use Url shorteners and even custom Url shorteners
5. Always monitor, but be cool about it.. don't push it
What is Crap online?
1. Auto creation of users to have a higher following
2. Extensive retweet scheduling : automated tweets of the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over....(Bulk tweeting; if a person sends 10 tweets in less than a minute, it's automated)
3. don't follow someone since they followed you, check them out first.
4. Don't feed tweets from other sources if you have over 140 characters. Facebook has up to 450 characters and the rest is lost on your Twitter Stream.
What is Cute online?
1. It's a fine line here. It's cute to link your websites together and your blog to these social networking sites. It is cool if you don't pay that much attention on the networking sites, but Crap if you do not pay attention to them at all!
2. Tweet scheduling can be cute if you have different time zones, but do not spam your messages.
The outook for social media marketing is expanding daily. The consumers are using mobile devices even more and this is changing and expanding the way we are marketing with social media more everyday.
Your social marketing is to create a more dominant social presence on the web. You can create a higher Google Search results by having more websites and profiles.